M is for Money Money Money- Money!

Today's post is brought to you by my daughter's piggy bank . . .

My youngest daughter said to me these evening she wants a lemonade stand.  She wants to make money.  I mentioned the May 1st Lemonade Stand Day, that maybe we could get involved and raise money for a worthy cause.  She said, "No mommy, I want my money to buy toys with. I'm going to put it in my piggy bank until I have enough." 

Older daughter says, "Mommy I will do the lemonade stand.  I want to give money to people who don't have any food or that need help or that need medicine because they are sick." 

And so the conversation goes. Eventually it turns into a "save it then spend it" "help people" yelling contest. 

Well, my job for this day is done.  I have one who wants to save and spend, and one that wants to give it away.  Now, I know there are ALL kinds of political comments that could be made about this discussion, but I'll leave you with Trump's theme song . . . 

PS: Note to mom and dad, no more "Apprentice" for the children.


Anonymous,  April 15, 2011 at 10:40 PM  

I love that the ad running next to this post is for a sectioned piggy bank--save, spend, donate...

My “M” post is right here: http://www.word-nerd-speaks.com/2011/04/medical-marijuana.html

Marie Anne April 16, 2011 at 5:23 AM  

My sons were the same way, in fact, still are. Older one is very goal oriented, has his sights set on the bigger prize and will work at whatever it takes to get there.

Younger brother can't spend it fast enough, it's all about instant gratification. They're still that way in their late 20s.

Anonymous,  April 16, 2011 at 10:59 AM  

haha - Well, at least she's honest! :)

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